Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Getting Harder

The shoe project is getting harder, not because of my shoes, but because I want to make each photo different and interesting.  I learned at work today that we can wear anything but jeans.  This means, we can wear sweatpants if desired!  While I don't want to wear sweats to work, I'd been struggling with how I might make dress pants and running shoes work (because that is likely what I'll be wearing the last week or so of October).  My continued challenge is going to be to take good/unique/interesting photos.  Here are the three from so far this week.

October 10, 2011.

October 11, 2011.  My Grampa's Nike Cortez from the 70's.

October 12, 2011.  

1 comment:

Greg Laden said...

You do realize, right, that you are TOTALLY blowing all the other shoe photographers out of the water!?!?